Monday, August 22, 2011

Bastard Promotion: Tim Marquitz the Author

One of the main reasons I decided to start this blog is to help promote books and authors I've enjoyed and one of them is Tim Marquitz. I mean his books, definitely his books... If I can't do that much, then all this effort would be a waste of my time.

Tim Marquitz came to my attention with his debut Armageddon Bound, first in the Demon Squad series, through a review from Mihir posted in Fantasy Book Critic in December 2009. This was all before Mihir and I became online buddies, or whatever lame descriptor you can come up with that signifies something that resembles online friendship. Went ahead and started a thread on  SFFWorld, where I'm usually found discussing books, to see if anyone had heard of it; they hadn't. And Tim being the sneaky metal-head ninja that he is, joined the convo and conned a few of us to try his books. Well needless to say that we all enjoyed it and became quite excited with the incredible level of comedy he provided in his book. He still prowls the forum discussing various books, which I think is great.

Now, let me just say if you're looking for a literary masterpiece, please look elsewhere. If you're looking for an action packed, roller-coaster, filled with witty dialogue, and well timed jokes, including some of the dirty and perverse variety, then you're in the right place. Because that's what he has to offer. The mine of great comedy lines alone are worth the price of admission regardless of what you may feel the strength and weaknesses of the book are. This is a different flavor from the usual Urban Fantasy you might encounter, amidst the familiar, and that alone should make it worth looking into.

I recently finished the sequel of the series titled Resurrection and really enjoyed it, easily one of my favorite reads so far this year. It also convinced me that Tim has arrived on the scene, what's left is getting the word around. More of that when I post my Bastard Reaction in a few days or so, but worth mentioning is that Marquitz has clearly been working on his writing craft and is becoming a more skillful writer.

Tim Marquitz's books are currently published by Damnation Books which is a small press. We all can appreciate how difficult is being part of a small press and finding success, so I say take a chance. He writes some urban fantasy, some horror, and most recently, some epic fantasy.

Here's a list of published books by Tim Marquitz:
Demon Squad: Armageddon Bound
Demon Squad: Resurrection
Sepulchral Earth: The Long Road
Sepulchral Earth: The Temple of the Dead
Dawn of War (Blood War Trilogy)

For more information you can visit his websiteblog, or twitter. He''s often online and likes to hear from fans, so make sure you drop him a line, he won't bite (unless you're into that sort of thing).

And lastly, there's a little girl out there part of a family Tim knows that could use your help as she battles Leukemia, please click here for details.

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Photobucket  Photobucket  Photobucket


  1. I've got the first book on my TBR list and I must say, the cover gives great meaning to "don't judge a book by it's cover." No offense is meant, but it's cheesy. :D

    Also, why is it something like this can't be a literary masterpiece? Does it have to be stuffy and convoluted? I think not. I think anything can be a literary masterpiece, whether it was written a hundred years ago or whether it was written yesterday and has the grittiest, most down to Earth narrator. If it makes me feel, then it's a masterpiece.

  2. Just managing expectations nothing more, and part of it being Armageddon Bound being his debut, etc.

    But glad you have it in your TBR pile. I'm going to read Skulls next month or so, to see how his writing has progressed. At the very least in the sequel to Armageddon Bound it improved greatly, particularly on the editing side. So very much curious on what's coming next if I've enjoyed the series as is so far, and I'm not the only one.

  3. JK,

    Bastard is definitely right about AB; there is nothing literary about it. That wasn't where I was headed with it. It's raw and lacks anything resembling subtlety, and the cover definitely fits, as frightening as that may come across.

    But despite its obvious flaws, I hope you enjoy the book enough to at least give Resurrection a chance. It gets better. :)

  4. Listen to Seak, he knows what he's talking about.

  5. Yeah. Seak is a man of many, uh, word?

  6. He's a busy man, we're lucky he left us with his word of wisdom.

  7. Ha. I now even looking more forward to getting this book. Like I said I remember Seaks (Bryce)'s review of it and liked the sounds then.

    But I have to say when I was on Marquitz's site Dawn of War caught my eye too. I am a fantasy lover at heart. :)

    Great promo.

    And god, I'm so sorry to hear about your little girl. All the thoughts and wishes are to you all. My Aunt had lukemia 23 years ago, when she gave birth to her daughter. She's been in remission for years now. I hope your daughter hits that stage soon and easily.

  8. Tim, your profile says you live in Texas, I was hoping to see you at Armadillo Con here in Austin, but do not see you listed. Any appearances or signings coming up?

  9. Hey Melissa,

    Just to clarify, it's not actually my daughter, but a buddy of mine's. Still appreciate the well-wishes. This little girl is the sweetest thing ever and she's had it rough.

    Good for your aunt. That's always a happy ending I can get behind. :)

    Shoot me an email at tim [at] tmarquitz [dot] com and I'll send you copy of Dawn of War. Just let me know what e-format your prefer.


  10. Gordon,

    Yeah, I live way out in West Texas. I was just in Austin for World Horror Con, and I'm shooting to hit Horrorfind Weekend in PA next week. I think that might be my con quota for this year, but I wish I could swing more. Have to see how things work out.

    What have y'all got on your schedule? I'd definitely like to meet you.

  11. See, that's what this is all about. Two of my favorite authors talking it up in here. Though I oddly feel like a matchmaker.

  12. Hey Tim,

    Thanks for the offer. I'm going to send you an email here shortly.

    And glad the little girls not your daughter, but still a shame little ones have to go through that. Still sending thoughts her way.

  13. Bastard ~ Gotcha. I don't necessarily mean with this specific series. Mostly just in general. Sometimes I feel like I should spend my time reading stuffy stuff [heh] rather than so much urban fantasy, but then I realize that it doesn't matter. I'm reading for me and what someone else says is a masterpiece may not be for me. I decide what's a literary masterpiece and if happens to be an UF book, so be it.

  14. Tim ~ I usually give a series a couple books. Sometimes it's pretty easy to tell I'll dislike pretty much anything in the series, but if there's remote interest I'm pretty forgiving of any perceived flaws. Plus, you can't set everything up in a first book for a series. It's just not going to happen and things get a little shaky.

    Pretty much though, if it's an action oriented series, I'll probably enjoy it.

    Also, is it available as an eBook? I think I checked on B&N and it wasn't there... but I could be remembering wrong. >.<

  15. Amazon Kindle:

    Borders Kobo:

    PDF in Books-A-Million:

    In Damnation Books you can get it in various formats (you can see in shopping cart, PDF, ePub, MS Reader, Mobi Pocket, Palm):

    I don't see it in B&N

  16. Thanks for the links! That helps a lot because I exclusively read eBooks these days.


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